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My name is Chad. I make good websites.

I’ve been working with Christian non-profits and businesses in the digital space for over 20 years, using best practices even before they were buzzwords. These features are a given with my work:

Meaningful and relevant experiences that are delightful to use (UX)
Content and design that reflows on any device, from mobile first to desktop
Semantic, WCAG compliant HTML structures for people of all abilities
Coding that is secure and straightforward, cross-platform and extensible
Smooth interactions and fast sites that achieve top testing scores
Tested and refined to maximize efficiency and communication

I understand both the strengths and limitations of the Internet, and how to make it work for us. The sites I build are sensible, are simple to maintain, and satisfy clients and their customers. Their long life has proven them out.


Experience includes:

Web Product Manager at International Mission Board
Research, planning, design, development, evaluation and optimization of high-profile websites for large missions organization with growing donor base
Technical Lead and Consultant at SolaSites
Viable business platform to maintain missionary presence abroad, with content management system for church websites and local development team
Missionary and Bible Translator at International Mission Board
Contextual strategies for church planting and Bible translation in the Himalayas, Scripture Engagement for church leaders, teaching, and advising the Bodo New Testament translation project
Webmaster at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Scalable content management system, UX, web standards, multimedia content, social media syndication, and faculty and staff training for large collection of websites including seminary, college, Albert Mohler and Russell Moore
Webmaster at The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
Audience growth for non-profit with content-driven website and marketing materials

Note: I wrote every line of this small site’s code for the fun of it. I remember when the web was young. (Go on, right click and explore the page source.)


I studied design at University of Buffalo, theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and linguistics at Dallas International University. I have a UX certification from Nielsen Norman Group.

I was ordained to Christian ministry in 2009 and worked for years among the many peoples of the Himalayas. Web work came with me — like Paul the missionary’s tent-making — traveling easily and paving the way. I learned the benefits of lightweight websites on slow networks. I saw how web technology extends our reach in ministry. I worked in South Asia alongside churches, schools, and businesses and grew in cross-cultural understanding. I loved that dizzying, vibrant, hospitable place. I captured a bit of the monsoon view in the backdrop design of this page.

I enjoy my craft and work with heart. But what matters most to me has come least naturally from me. Love may not come naturally, but it has changed me. I love Jesus Christ and all that he has shared with me: his boundless grace in the gospel, his familial church, the precious promises of his word, the comforting presence of his Spirit, his eternal kingdom. I love my wife and five children. And I’m thankful for the many people who have freely helped me on my way, professionally and personally. It has become a special joy to help others along.

I would love to chat about any of these things.